In the Middle of Some Space

A little more about me and my personality, because I think it has a deep relationship with the chronic gut disease I eventually developed.  This is not the first disease or health problem I've had, but the first that stopped me in my tracks, turning me into a hermit, until my hospitalization in May. 

Since I was married in 1975, I have been more than a bit of a perfectionist, with dreams and goals of having the perfect husband, family, and home.  I've supported my husband's building his career the best I knew how and have tried to support the rest of my family and sons as best I knew how. 

Before that, I was a child of the '60's (class of '68), a week end hippy who opposed the Viet Nam War, usually at peace type rallies.  I was opinionated without the ability to follow through on the convictions, but I was devastated especially when Bobby Kennedy was killed.  Even though at the time the end of the Viet Nam War wasn't the high I expected (remember the chaos getting out of there?), I look back now and think, WOW, what our generation accomplished!

As a week end hippy, I used drugs occasionally, but started out in college at the University of Missouri intending to major in journalism.  I then freaked out and dropped out and through fate attended a Psychiatric Technician program that simultaneously offered college credits at SCSC (now CSU) at the Colorado State Hospital in Pueblo, Colorado.  I managed to graduate with a Bachelors Degree in Psychology and was hired first as a Psych Tech in general mental dis-ease and later as a Mental Health Worker in a then innovative drug treatment program.  It was then I stopped using any illegal drugs.

Throughout my life I have had some extraordinary experiences, both positive and traumatic, emotionally, physically, and now I know spiritually.  It was then, when I met and married and my wonderful husband, that I abandoned the path of a "weirdo" to become a modern Leave it to Beaver wife, mother, sister, friend. 

One of the habits that set me apart from June Cleaver was that while I didn't use illegal drugs, I was a dedicated chain smoker.  I had my first cigarette at 19, to be cool, and show how intense I was, and I became as addicted as anyone can be.  My first move in the morning was reaching for the pack.  I frequently ate while puffing on a cigarette.  It pains me to think that my butts are probably still lying all over the place. 

In 2001, though, I made a formal decision to quit smoking.  Actually I didn't give it a chance in hell, but I set a date, made plans, networked, and hooked up with an onlline forum called Quitnet.  To my complete and total amazement my first time to quit actually worked!  After 33 years of being a chain smoker, I quit!  It felt to be the greatest high and accomplishment in my life.  After awhile, Quitnet cleaned up the language, topics of chat, etc., by its users for corporate interests, I believe.  BUT a rowdy group of rebels created and migrated to another site called Oz.  It had to change servers, but is still in existence.  Somehow I managed to follow these rebellious, loving, real people and continue what is for me a very very fine relationship, in person and online.  As a group, we have experienced a lot, and it's amazing how we're able to come together even though someone (like me) can be gone for a couple of years.  Ozzites, part of me dedicates this to you.  Have no fear, soma.        

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